

Why do ducks suddenly stop laying eggs?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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i have four feamale ducks and two drakes but no eggs why

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Q: Why do ducks suddenly stop laying eggs?
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Related questions

When do ducks stop laying eggs?

It can be the wrong season for the duck to lay eggs. Fall and Spring are the best time for laying. Sometimes they will totally stop laying during winter and summer.

How do you stop a dove laying eggs?

You can not stop this, it is a normal thing that they do. If y7ou do not want the eggs then remove them and throw them in the trash. Eventually the hen will stop laying.

How do you stop egg laying?

There is no way to stop a chicken from laying eggs; It's nature's way.

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Evently yes

Why do duck stop laying eggs?

Moult and insufficient day-length.

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No, they will not.

Do chickens quit laying eggs?

it depends on the chicken some do stop but after their older and some might not stop laying but they will slow down (not lay as frequent)

What age will a sun conure stop laying eggs?

it takes about two (2) years to get pregnant

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When she runs out of eggs, or she and the male get tired of each other in a few hours. If you meant at what age, bettas stop spawning at 12-14 months.

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Until they start laying eggs or the back of the chick starter feed bag says to.

What makes a bantam quit laying eggs?

Various reasons will decrease or stop egg laying. Laying tends to die off in the winter when the days are shorter and the weather cooler. Older chickens will also experience decreased egg production. If a chicken is not in an ideal environment or is experiencing stress or depression they might stop laying altogether.

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You put chlorine in pools, to kill bugs and to stop mosquitoes from laying eggs in the water.