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They dont pee. It is a defense mechanism mainly toads use. It is actually called a mock poison but it is not poisonous. When preadators pick up a toad or frog they secrete this thing called mock poison. When the predators taste this it gives them a bitter taste. It fools the hunter into thinking that the toad or frog it tried to eat was poisonous thus scaring off the predator. Toads or frogs usually do this when frigtend so if you keep picking up toads and frogs and they do this to you i suggest you stop because your scaring them.
It is a defensive tactic If a dog picks one up the pee tastes bad.

For some people it would make them drop the frog and they could get away.

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15y ago

frongs are always "wet". its their natural coating so their skin doesnt dry out and crack. its actually a kind of mucus. if u pick a "frog" up and he's not slimmy then hes a toad

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Q: Why do frogs pee when you pick them up?
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Do frogs defecate and urinate?

To answer your question frogs do poop (trust me I've seen the left overs on my garage door.) but if they pee I've never seen a frog pee but i think that they do. Frogs actually do pee. The waste filtered from their blood becomes urine, which passes from the kidney to the bladder and then out of the body.

How do boy frogs pee?

They pee the same way a girl does which is out of their butt because I have 8 frogs and they all pee the same way.

Does it hurt frogs to pick them up?

You can, you simply need to be cautious so as not to hurt them and wash your hands afterwards.

Why do frogs pee?

All red eyed tree frogs are female and constantly on their periods, and so when startled they shoot red pee at potential threats.

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Who likes frogs?

Not me! They smell, can pee on you, and will give you warts!

Is it okay to pick up frogs and toads find out in nature why or why not?

I don't think it is O.K. to touch frogs e.t.c. as the acid in our skin can affect them.

What is the yellow stuff on your hand after you pick up a sand-dollar?

thats sand dolar pee

'what do I do when I get to the frogs?

You can Pick them up and play with it or put it in the woods or in the lake or pond near you so that it lives to reproduce.

What happens to baby frogs if there is no water in pond?

they die p.s if u love frogs you are wierd cause you can get worts if they pee on you

Can you train your adult dog to pee on a pee pad?

Every time yer dog pees on the floor, pick her up or take her to the pee pad and lightly scold it when it doesn't go on the pee pad. If you take it to the pad everytime he does it on the floor, he will evevtually learn he has to go on the pee pad/

What pets did they have?

little dogs and rabbits and frogs and a monkey (that always pee,s on you)