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Plants grow in ocean to provide oxygen which diffuses into the sea water and sea animals can get it for their life.

Plants only grow in the waters at points where it can be reached by sunlight. and yes it is true that it does help in the water ecosystem

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13y ago
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It where the majority of sunlight and nutrients are to be found.

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13y ago

Marine organisms have to live in ocean because that is the only way they would be able to survive. Marine= found in, or produced by the sea. So marine organisms live in the sea,oceans,etc.

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they can get easy access for sunlight to perform photosynthesis

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the sun

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Q: Why do marine plants grow well near ocean shores?
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Why don't seweeds grow in deep ocean water?

Seaweed does not grow in the deep ocean because the deeper you go, the darker it gets. Without the light, plants (including marine plants) cannot perform photosynthesis, the process of turning sunlight into food.

Do ocean plants have vascular structure?

plants that live in the ocean. They are living plants.

What are plants that grow in salt water called?

Plants that grow in the sea can be called aquatic plantsbut more specifically marine plants.

Which ocean would seem least likely to support marine life?

The ocean that has high salt content will be less likely to support marine life. Even the plants cannot grow if there is too much salt in the soil. The most dominant extracellular electrolyte is sodium chloride.

What types of plants grow in the ocean?

seaweed and coral

Do all plants have to grow in soil?

No some grow in the ocean i think seaweed grow in holes of the rock

Can plants that grow in the ocean grow in a lake?

It cannot because the plants that live in the ocean can only live in salt water. If it lives in the lake, it will die. They can grow in the Caspian Sea (and other salt water lakes), since they have the same water content as an ocean.

Can you grow vegetables near the ocean?

yes. you can grow veggies near the ocean. but some plants don't grow as well with the salt winds and salty air.

What is a big watery place that plants grow in?

ocean, rainforest

What does Edward Abbey say is a result of the constantly fluctuating water levels of Lake Powell?

plant life is not able to grow on the shores of the lake.

Why do plants live near the top layer of the ocean?

The plants get more sunlight near the surface of the ocean. They need sunlight to grow and to produce photosynthesis.