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They are Ecothermic so their temp. depends on their surroundings

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Q: Why do reptiles absorb heat from the sun?
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How does a snake keep warmblooded?

cold blooded reptiles absorb heat from the sun

What does it mean to absorb heat?

the sun absorbs heat

Why would a snake be sitting on a rock in the hot sun?

Snakes are reptiles and cold blooded.They rely on the Sun to heat their bodies up.Rocks absorb heat and so make a perfect warm place to heat up.The warmer a reptile gets the more active it becomesenabling it to search for food.

What do alligators need sun for?

Alligators are reptiles.. they are cold-blooded, and need the sun for its heat.

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Water absorb heat from sun. it releases heat into the air.

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heat transfor to radiations

Crocodiles body temprature?

Crocodiles are reptiles.. They do not regulate their own body temperature (as mammals do). Crocodiles absorb heat from their surroundings - or by basking in the sun. A 'typical working' temperature would be around 30 C.

Are lizard coldblooded or warmblooded?

Lizards (like snakes and other reptiles) are cold-blooded. They absorb heat from the sun in order to warm their bodies so they can forage for food. The cannot maintain their own temperature.

Why do robins spread their wings in the sun?

To absorb the heat coming from the Sun, or it could be a signal to its mate.

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How does sand soil rock absorb heat?

I believe its because of the color, since sand can be a brownish color, the color would absorb the heat from the sun. BUT, if the color was light, like white, it wouldn't absorb as much heat.

Do polar bears have silky black skin underneath their fur?

Yes they do and it is for the sun to absorb the heat from the sun