

Why do spiders not need a backbone?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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Spiders, along with all arachnids as well as any insect are invertebrates. They do not require a backbone for the fact that they are simple and small in physical structure. Any animal with a backbone is usually larger in size, and all mammals are vertebrates.

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15y ago

Because Invertabrates 'means without a spine', so they don't need a spine!

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No, Spiders are invertebrates.

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They have both a backbone and cartilage. Cartilage is found between the vertebrae. What your teacher probably intended to ask was if the squirrel has a backbone or a notochord. To that, you may answer yes, too. Embryonic squirrels have no bones. If you plan to answer "yes" you need to be prepared to defend your answer.

Why are spiders invertebrate animals?

Invertebrate simply means no spine or backbone. Spiders do not have spines, therefore are invertebrates.

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No. Nor do any Spiders have a backbone. Spiders' structural support comes from their hard external body panels. They do not have any bones.

Do a spider have backbone?

No. Spiders are arachnids, which are invertebrates. Instead of bones, spiders have hard exoskeletons made of chitin.

What animals do not have vertebrates?

Sponges... Starfish.... Also things like worms too. Spiders...however, spiders are arachnids. But still they are invertebrates. (Invertebrates are animals/insects which have no cranium and backbone.) - emz

Which animals are the spiders?

Animals are divided into two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with a backbone and invertebrates are animals without a backbone. In the invertebrates group there are mollusks, Insects, crustaceans and arachnids. Spiders are part of the arachnid group along with scorpions.

Does a wolf spider have a backbone?

No, it only has an exoskeleton, like all arachnids.

What is a invertabre?

Any animal that does not have a backbone, which includes worms, insects, spiders, jellyfish etc.