

Why does a stink bug stink?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Because they are angry at you or if you try to hurt them they will stink. I haven't been stung by anything, so I am scared of them but there was a fly that was on my leg and I felt a bit of a bite or stink so I just moved the fly away.

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12y ago

Its because ever 2 years theres a bug that is alwasy around. The last 2 years ago there used to be lady buggs always around, we all know lady bugs arent harmful and there nice and lucky but, don't get us started on stink bugs yuck. No one can stand them there attracted to red things mostly clothing. They are very creep when u see them at first. When it gets into the winter season they start to go away bc they rlly don't like the cold there too used to the warm. The most thing that's annyoing is when they get in ur house, first of all they wont leave and u probably don't want to touch it or kill it bc if u do all it will do is make more and more attracted to your house. They don't bite, but they are alittle creepy when u see one. Next time u see on don't step on it just put it in a safe place where it will not die, and u will be fine.

STEP 1.) Close ur doors and make sure no stink bugs get in.

STEP 2.) Have a exterminator look in your windows and make sure there not trying to get in your house.

STEP 3.) When u see a stink bugg don't get alarmed or try to kill it just ammedially flick it and it will go away. Try your best not to wear red all the time... been there done that haha.

Well that's all i need to tell u hope u remember everythingg!

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