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A grasshopper most often lays its eggs on the underside of blades of grass and leaves. The eggs are generally laid in clusters.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

to keep them safe from predators,

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Q: Why does grasshopper lay eggs in underground?
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Where do grasshopper lay its eggs?

underground in a tiny cave it digs with its abdomen

Does the grasshopper lay its eggs in the water?

Grasshoppers do not lay eggs in the water. Instead, grasshoppers will lay eggs in the soil and wait for them to hatch.

Do female grasshopper lay eggs?

yes female grasshoppers lay eggs

How many eggs does grasshoppr lay?

Most grasshopper have 140 eggs some lay more some lay less.

Do turtles lay eggs underground?

Yes to protect the eggs from sunlight

similarity of hen and grasshopper and butterfly?

All of them lay eggs.

Do turtles go underground while laying eggs?

Turtles lay their eggs underground [after digging a hole] they don't go underground with them.

What did the grasshopper do in summer time the ant and the grasshopper?

they were winter jackets.. LOL.. just kidding...;) i think they stay with their queen on their nest or underground shelter since they always keep gather food and be ready for rainy/winter season..

How Does a Grasshopper give lay eggs?

By sitting upside down and eating rabbit ears diarrheea.

What is the purpose os the ovipositor on a grasshopper?

To lay eggs; ovipositor literally means 'egg placer'.

How many eggs does a grasshopper lay?

About 2 eggs over a long period of time. The eggs come out of something called an egg pod.

Which animal lays eggs underground?

This could be an ostrich they thrive on open plains and are hatched from large eggs produced by the mother. Hope I helped!