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because it looks funny

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Q: Why does the goblin shark has a long nose?
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Does the goblin shark swallow its food whole If not how does the goblin shark eat its food?

The Goblin Shark does swallow its food whole. The Goblin Shark does swallow its food whole. The Goblin Shark does swallow its food whole. The Goblin Shark does swallow its food whole.

What are the relatives of a goblin shark?

A goblin Shark's cousin is the shark from JAws.

What shape is the goblin shark?

the goblin shark has a mouth inside a mouth.

What color is a goblin shark?

a goblin shark is gray grayish pink

Why is the goblin shark named as goblin?

Resources say that it was named "Goblin" for it's resemblance to a Goblin.

What kind of animal is a goblin shark?

A shark

What type of shark is very uncommon has a long pointed snout and lives in very deep water?


What is the deepest living shark in the ocean?

The goblin shark

Is the goblin shark related to the devil shark?

No. There is no such animal as a devil shark.

How do goblin sharks adapt to their environment?

The Goblin Shark has a retractable jaw

What do goblin look like?

Goblin sharks tend to be big nosedHere is a link that will take you to a picture of a goblin shark: sharks (Mitsukurina owstoni) are one of the most weird shark species, along with the Megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) and other strange deep sea sharks, most probably many others still unknown to marine science.Its very long snout and the strange protuberant jaws are typical of long ago extinct shark species from the Cretaceous period.The Goblin shark is considered a «living fossil».I would advise you to search in the internet for pictures, and judge for yourself...

How big is a goblin shark's tooth?

Very little is known about this unusual shark. However, the teeth can be 1- 11/2 inches long.