

Why don't lions hunt mice?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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A lot of people would say yes, but this is not so.

Lions are not afraid of mice

Young lion cubs may even catch them as prey.

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12y ago

Lions need substancial amounts of meat per day, and to hunt mice to fulfil this would involve hunting hundreds, if not thousands of mice per day.

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Some male cats do hunt mice, but it depends on the type of cat. Most cats try to hunt them but some just play with the mice to have a little time off their hands. All domoestic cats hunt mice, it's an instinct as most domestic cats are individual hunters, unlike Lions. I see why you would of thought that, with the behaviour of Lions, But most cats hunt alone. Of course, I don't think fully grown tigers hunt mice. Maybe babies of wild cats, but besides that, I think only domestic cats.yes, and trust me i have seen my cat eat plenty of mice.

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Lions hunt in their prides, or groups. They stalk their prey while low to the ground. They like to hunt at night because the animals have a harder time seeing them, but lions actually see better at night. Lions hunt usually in their territory, where zebras and wildbeasts stay. The females hunt, while the males protect their territory. When lions hunt, the stay in the plains, practicly invisible, because of their camoflouged fur.