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Rennin allows infants, such as human young to curdle the milk they ingest, allowing a longer residence in the bowels and better absorption. This is significant as mammals are generally not able to eat solid foods and thus get sustenance from their mother's milk.

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Q: Why is solidification of milk in the stomach an advantage to an animal?
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What does milk look like after it's been in your stomach?

Have you ever seen cottage cheese? It's just curdled milk. Milk curdles in your stomach.

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It curdles in the stomach, which is the cause of coagulation.

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Milk will always curdle or clot in any stomach because of the stomach acid

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Most liquids compress on solidification with the exception of water which due to its anomalous behaviour expands on solidification.Note also that any liquid containing water like milk will also expand on solidification.

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If milk gives me an upset stomach, could I be allergic?

If you begin having an upset stomach after drinking milk, then it is possible that you are lactose intolerant. You may need to switch to a different type of milk such as a lactate free milk.

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There is not an animal that produces red milk. Most animals that produce milk have white or creme colored milk.

Does drinking milk in the heat upsets stomach?

I't dosn't,unless your lactose intolerant.

Is milk bad for your stomach?

No. Lactose only upsets one's stomach more with a stomach ache. Stay away from cheese, ice cream, milk, milk/white chocolate etc. Wrong. Milk neutralizes stomach acid and in doing so helps. I think avoid milk product during upset stomach is a good idea.

What clots milk in stomach?

The digestive agent known as Renin clots milk