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The banana spider is not the most venomous spider. It is only mildly toxic to humans.

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Q: Why is the banana spider the deadliest spider in the world?
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The Brazilian Wandering spider is from Brazil.

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The funnel web spider which is found in Australia is the most dangerous spider.

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It is the Black widow spider

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What continent does the banana spider live?

the banana spider usually lives in Africa in banana trees?

Deadliest spiders in the world?

here are some examples of poisonous spiders.the Australian funnel web spider, the black widow, the wandering spider.

What is the least deadly spider?

The least deadliest spider is The Daddy Long Legs Spider.

If a banana spider biteswill you die?

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is one of the most toxic spiders in the world. This spider can often be found in bananas

What kind of spider has the deadliest bite?

the tarantula

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