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Your cat may have abcessed anal glands. This is a very simple infection that occurs in dogs and cats all the time and usually costs less than ten dollars to remedy. What's happened is (for whatever reason) something didn't come out right, or your cat sat on something and got a cut, this cut is called a fissure. The fissure closed but it obviously had bacteria in it, and this made the infection inside of the anus and the anal glands themselves. (It is this same type of infection that makes dogs do that ever so famous 'butt-scoot' across carpets, in hope that they can pop it so that it will not irritate anymore.) Don't worry or be afraid. All you need to do is take the cat down to either your local veterinarian or your groomer, and tell them that you would like them to express your cat's anal glands. Your vet/groomer will then bring the cat into the back room, put on a pair of gloves, and put two fingers into your cat's anus and squeeze the infected gland, bursting it, and squeezing out any remains of the infection or the germs/materials that caused it. Your cat's anus will then be rinsed gently, and the cat will be given back to you.

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Q: Why is your cats bum bulging She isn't constipated and was spayed years ago?
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Why is your cats bum bulging She isn't constipated and hasn't had kittens?

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What do you call an un spayed female cat?

Spayed female cats are called just that - spayed, or fixed, female cats.

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Spayed female cats and dogs do not menstruate.

Are cats spayed or neutered?

Spay or neuter depends on gender, not species. Females are spayed, males are neutered.

Do spayed cats go into heat?

Normally, no. However, if parts of the ovarian tissue were not removed when she was spayed, yes she can.

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Keep them away from other intact cats of the opposite sex. It is much easier and less worrisome to have them spayed or neutered, however. Female cats will go into heat every 8 days if they are not spayed, and it is not a pleasant experience. Also spayed female cats have a largely decreased risk of ovarian and mammary tumors, and neutered male cats have a largely decreased risk of prostate cancer. If cats are neutered/spayed before they reach sexual maturity it will also prevent bad behaviors such as spraying.

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Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.

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No. Only female cats that have not been spayed can give birth.

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Only if the vet who did the operation is incompetent.

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No, spayed female cats never come into season, so do not get the urge to mate or have kittens.