

Will an ant go through a red circle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Will an ant go through a red circle?
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A line through a circle that does not go through the center of the circle is a secant line. A line through a circle that does go through the center is still a secant line, by the way. Compare this to a line segment that has its two endpoints on the circumference of the circle. That line segment is a cord of the circle. If that cord of the circle passes through the center of the circle, then the cord is a diameter of that circle.

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No, the cord of a circle does not have to go through the center of that circle. A chord that does go through the center of a circle is a special case and is called the diameter. A chord can connect any two points on a circle.

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Can a red ant queen ant lay a egg with a black ant?

No the red ant soldiers would have have killed the Carpenter Ant before it could reach the Queen Red Ant it would only probably get 10 Feet out of 25 to 50 Ft. down there he would probably then be Eaten by the soldiers before the larvae Section of the nest because the Queen would have sent the soldiers to stop him because in a Nest The Carpenter Ant would have to cross the Larvae section to get to the Queen But if he made it past that he would have been attacked By the Drones which have wings if he made it past them he would fight the King Red Ant which is about 7 Cm. smaller than the Queen Red Ant and if he made it past that he would Confront the Queen Which the Carpenter Ant would have to have a gift for her or she'll reject him and he will have to go as fast as he can back out

Do all chords go through the origin of a circle?

No. The only chords that go through the center is a diameter.

What happens when a ant bit your eye if it can what happens?

Well, I'm not sure if an ant actually big my eye but when I was younger an ant flew Into my eye and my eye ended up swelling and going all red. I had to go to an eye doctor and get my eye flipped around and the ant taken out.

What stages of metamorphosis the fire ant goes through?

Fire ants go through many phases of metamorphosis. They go through egg, larva, and pupa stages before they reach adulthood.

How many things go on in a ant hill?

alot of things go on in a ant hill like every ant does its duties