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It depends how old it is. Mothers can eat a hurt or sick baby. If the baby is old enough to be separated out it may well survive if given the correct treatment and lots of TLC.

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Q: Will the baby die if the baby hamsters leg has a cutt on it?
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What tape do you use for your baby hamsters broken leg?

Take to the vet.

How do you remove string from baby hamsters front leg?

you untie it:D

Is it bad when a hamsters leg turns blue?

A hamsters leg shouldn't turn blue. If it does, seek veterinarian attention immediately.

How do hamsters leg get broken?

If they fall.

Can hamsters break a leg?

Yeah, its possible.

How do you heal a baby hamster's leg?

well first i need to know what kind of injury it has. can it still walk on it? i recommend you see a vet about it. If a vet is out of your way get some tape for hamsters check at a pet smart or your local pet store its leg may heal if correctly administered

Why do you call a hamster a fat leg?

um... i dont call hamsters 'fat legs' sorry

Can you amputate a hamsters leg?

No, only a veterinarian can. Otherwise it can considered cruelty to animals and punishable by law.

Can you wrap an ace bandage around your hamsters leg?

NO this was once a wild animal (or as wild as an animal can be in capitivity) don't wrap a plaster round it's leg

How do you help a hamsters leg to heal?

Well first of all don't touch it u need to be careful with it

What are some quotes by Dr Atl?

"I thought I was going to have a baby, but no, they cut off my leg and I left the hospital without a baby and without a leg".

How does a hamster break its leg?

Well hamsters can break there leg if they fall from the cage, or they could hurt it in the wheeL.=)