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Generally, hamster bedding is good for most rodent pets. A good idea would be to buy some hamster fluff for the baby mice to sleep on. It's really soft cotton that rodents use to create soft nests for themselves.

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Q: Would hamster beding be fine for baby mice?
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you would probably be able to tell if they are healthy and do not get a dwarf hamster they may be cute but they are most likely to be mean and bitey. any other type of hamster would be fine.

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One quite simple way is to take the hamster to a vet if you would like to spend the money to keep him alive.

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your hamster must be very sick i would take it to the vet asap accualy my hamster was like tht yesterday and i took her to the vet and they gave her this medication and she is fine now if i where you i would try to save her

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First I am sorry for your loss, second it is probale that your hamster ruptured his spleen or liver in the fall and so he would appear fine, but have internal bleeding.

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If you like it, then it's fine. The hamster won't complain.

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Yes it is. Nothing is too silly to call a hamster. If you like it and so does the hamster then its fine. :)

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I have a hamster its fine he might get sick though

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well mine did tht and mine is fine is your hamster hurt or anything?

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Well first of all there should not be mold in a hamsters cage. Try taking your hamster out of the cage and keep her/him in something else for a while. Scrub his/her cage really well, get hamster "cage clean" to get the stink out. Your hamster should be fine.

Is it ok if your hamster sleeps in her tube?

ya, that is fine.

What hamster will not bite?

a hamster that doesnt get bothered. just dont touch it at all and u should be fine :)

Is a hamster dangerous after it has had the taste of human blood?

It is not dangerous. My hamster has bitten me before and tasted my blood. Your fine