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Horse's should not be fed protein that is derived from other animals. The eggs can also contain Salmonella among other bacteria. The only benefit it would give is a shiny coat, for which there are many equine safe coat supplements on the market today.

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Q: Would it be bad for a horse to eat egg yolks?
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Can you eat horse sperm?

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It is safe to eat if it does not contain uncooked/undercooked eggs (whites or yolks) and has not gone bad/stale/off.

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If it stinks or is mouldy or is soft and is bad. The horse probably wouldn't eat it even if it was offered.

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because a horse needs teeth to be able to eat. if a horse has bad teeth then they find it hard to eat and if they dont eat anything they starve.

Are there animals that eats horse?

Lions eat Zebras which are similar to a horse. They would eat a horse.

Why did horse eat with it mouth open?

It has bad stable manners

It egg bad for you why?

Egg yolks are packed full of calories and cholesterol. Remove the yolk and only eat the whites. Its much much better for u.

Why should you never allow a horse to eat when he is wearing a bridle?

A horse may choke if he is wearing a bit, and it is a bad habit for them to think they can eat when you are riding them.

What can you do with your egg yolks?

eat them, feed them to your dog...

Why did the horse eat with mouth open?

It has bad stable manners

Can a horse eat bananas?

yes! some love them and they r not bad for them

When a horse is pregnant how much would it eat?

if it lives out, let it eat as much as it likes GET A HORSE MANUEL