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use a handheld sprayer with hose attached Take 1/2 c cheap dishliquid, not the degreaser or antibacterial kind, 1/4 c of cheap listerine mix this up in a jar, you can double the recipe if large yard. Put 1/4 of this mixture in a 5 gallon sprayer and spray, may take 2 days or so, but it'l do the trick, spray more often if dogs are constantly in that area you can use some hot pepper juice in a sprayer with water and spray on area you don't want the dogs nears like your garden etc, the hot sauce does not affect plants when diluted.

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1mo ago

To get rid of dog urine smell in the backyard, you can try using a mixture of water and vinegar to wash the affected area. You can also sprinkle baking soda on the area to absorb the odor. Another option is to invest in a commercial pet odor remover specifically designed for outdoor use. Lastly, ensuring that your dog has plenty of opportunities to urinate in designated areas and cleaning up accidents promptly can help prevent lingering odors.

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Q: You are looking for a way to get rid of the dog urine smell in the backyard?
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Dog Urine smell out of yard?

To help neutralize the smell of dog urine in your yard, you can try flushing the area with water to dilute the urine, sprinkling baking soda or a commercial pet odor neutralizer over the affected area, and maintaining good lawn hygiene by regularly picking up solid waste and hosing down urine spots. Consider training your dog to use a specific area of the yard for eliminating to contain the issue.

Does dog pee smell like cat pee?

Dog pee and cat pee have distinctive odors due to differences in their diets and metabolism. Dog urine typically smells more ammonia-like, while cat urine has a stronger and more pungent odor due to higher concentrations of protein and other compounds. Each animal's urine can vary in smell depending on factors like hydration and health.

Why do dying dogs urine smell so bad?

Well if your dog smells like a dead dog then you should take him/her to the vet! And its your fault for not grooming it correctly!

Can a dogs urine smell like amonia?

Yes, a dog's urine can have a strong ammonia-like smell. This can be due to dehydration, certain dietary factors, or underlying health issues such as urinary tract infections. It's important to monitor your dog's urine odor and consult a veterinarian if you notice any unusual smells.

What would cause your dog to smell like urine on the top of his head?

There could be multiple reasons for this, such as a urinary tract infection, territorial marking, or incontinence issues. It's best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment for your dog.