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Wow what a great question reader, first of all they love crickets,tubix worms dry or alive ,worms (earth worms) and other small insects like flies and Spiders. when you feed your frog take almost everything out of your frogs home so its prey does not go on it where your frog cannot catch it. Give your frog some time to eat it , please do not rush because that might frighten your frog. Also feed your frog once a day or once every 2 days . I hope this answers your question very good and remember read everthing that is on this answer.

p.s I also have a frog , it is a fire belly frog . I will soon be getting another frog. if you want check out some other frogs like the fire belly frog.
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Q: You have albino African frogs that swim underwater What do you feed them as new frogs?
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What do you feed albino clawed frogs as babies?

Get krill or bloodworm tablets and break off very small pieces for them to eat.

Do frogs eat monkeys?

Primates do not primarily feed on frogs but some species of African monkeys will consume frogs. Mostly they stick to fruit, leaves and insects.

Is it all right to feed an African dwarf frog crickets?

No, it is not alright to feed an African Dwarf frog crickets. African Dwarf Frogs diet consist of, live guppy fry, bloodworm, dried krill or shrimp and tadpole bites.

Why can't you feed your African dwarf frog fish food?

African Dwarf Frogs need to be fed bloodworms, or brineshrimp once every few days.

Can you feed a African dwarf frog vegetables?

Most African dwarf frogs do not eat vegetables, because they are meat eaters. You can try feeding them a little lettuce or some peas. You can also feed them a little bit of seafood you have left over from your own meals. I own 2 African dwarf frogs and soon after I brought them home, they stopped eating. I fed them lettuce and fish, they were fine.

Can frogs eat dairy?

No. Frogs feed primarily on invertebrates such as insects.

What do frogs eat when when just came from tadpoles?

Frogs are predatory; most feed on insects.

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What do land frogs feed on?

Mostly insects.

How do you care for albino frogs?

Albino frogs are aquatic creatures. Depending on their size you can use containers or fish tanks as their homes. They usually will not and don't bite when small. I feed mine beta fish food, and they have lived for over a year; which is incredibly long for them. To make them feel home...use suction cup plants so they have places to hide and sleep. They are kind animals and sensitive. You should always wash your hands before handling them because they absorb your oils and such through their skin.

Do frogs eat plant roots?

No. Frogs feed primarily on insects and other invertebrates.

What do Underwater iguana eat?

they mainly feed on seaweed.