

Will frogs die if you feed them fish food?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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āˆ™ 12y ago

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yes they will die what to feed is live bugs.

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Q: Will frogs die if you feed them fish food?
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Yes, you can totally forget to feed your fish. But be careful, if you dont feed them for a week or more, they will die. Also, when your feeding them, dont give them too much or they will explode. Theres a special chemical in fish food, that if too much gets into the fish, they will pretty much die.

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the goldfish must only be fed a sprinkle a day as if it is overfed its stomach will bloat and your fish will die

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A fish's niche is : Eat plants in the water Their 'waste' can be used to fertilize the plants in the water They provide food for other animals and humans. When they die their bodies float down to the bottom of the ocean etc and act like a fertilizer for the earth

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no they will die

Do fishes eat fish food?

Yes, they can, but its often better to give them cat food, if they dislike this give them some bird feed. However, bird feed can cause death, its proven that if you give them bird feed they wont eat it and eventually die.

Will fish die if i don't feed it for a day?

No they can survive a few days without food but make sure that you feed it the next day because you don't want to come home and see your fish floating around at the top of the bowl.

How many times do you feed two goldfish a day?

You should feed them only once as if you feed them too much, they will die because they won't eat the excessive food therefore it will rot and give the fish a disease call ICH.