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about 2 more years or longer it Doesn't have a real effect

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Q: Your in-laws dog ate two rats that died from rat poison two weeks ago how long does the dog have to live?
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Does a poison dart frog live in Australia?

No. There are no species of poison dart frogs in Austalia.

Where does the blue poison dart frog live?

Golden poison dart frogs live in the pacific coast Columbia

How long does a blue poison frog live?

they live about 60 years ***IMPROVEMENT*** Poison dart frogs can live 4-6 years in the wild, but in captivity they can live up to 12 years.

What types of amphibians can poison dart frogs live with?

Any Species that share the same poison traits, such as... Poison Dart Frogs.

Do poison dart frogs live in water or soil?

both,poison dart frogs live both on land and water . Mostly in rainforests .

Can you eat poison and live without calling the ambulance?

It depends. If the poison isn't fatal, then yes. If the poison is fatal, it still depends. If the poison is slow reaction, then that is possible. If it is quick reaction, it might even be impossible to live even if you called the ambulance.

Where does a phantasmal poison frog live?

They live on the slopes of the Andes in Ecuador.