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That point is in northern Brazil. Any other point

in Brazil has different coordinates.

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Q: 0 degrees 60 degrees west is what country?
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What country can be found 0 degrees north and 60 degrees west?


What country or ocean is at 0 degrees and 60 degrees west?

That point is in northern Brazil. Any other point in Brazil has different coordinates.

What continent located at 0 degrees and 60 degrees west?

The continent located at 0 degrees latitude and 60 degrees west longitude is South America.

What country is located at 0 degrees longitude and 60 degrees west latitude?

As written, the question is meaningless. I'll edit it to make it answerable:The point [ Zero latitude/60 degrees west longitude ] is in far northern Brazil,about 610 miles due west of Macapá.

What country can be found at 0 dergees north and 60 degrees west?

That point is about 210 miles north of Manaus, in Brazil.

What continent is 30 degrees North and 90 west?

0 degrees and 60 degrees East

What is at the point of 0 degrees longitude and 60 degrees west latitude?

There is no such location as latitude measures north-south and not east-west.However, if you meant 0 degrees latitude and 60 degrees west longitude, the location is the State of Roraima, Brazil.

What country's coordinates are 0 degrees north and 0 degrees west?

There is no country as zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude. This location is in the Atlantic Ocean

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What country is located 0 degrees and 80 degrees west?

You wold be in Ecuador

What city is 60 degrees north latitude and 20 degrees east longitude?

latitude 0 north longitude 80 west

What country lies between 0 and 60 degrees west longitude?

No single country includes continuous territory from 0° to 60° W longitude. This includes lands on the Atlantic Ocean (western Europe, western Africa, eastern South America, and Canada). One country that does extend for a similar east-to-west range is Greenland, which stretches from about 15° to 75° W longitude.