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They moved west on what became known as the

Trail of Tears

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Q: After the Indian Removal Act what did the Cherokee Indians do?
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Did the cowboys kick out the Cherokee Indians?

No. The Cherokee were forced out by US soldiers after the government passed the Indian Removal Act in 1837.

What act removed the Indians from the land?

The Indian Removal Act

What purpose did the Indian Removal Act have?

The purpose of the Indian Removal Act was to take the Indians to the land west of the Mississippi River.

Where did the Indians in the Indian removal act come from?

The Native people (Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole) in the Indian removal act of 1830 came from the southeastern states (Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina) of the United States.

What court case led to the Indian Removal Act?

No "case" led to the passage of the Indian removal Act; however 2 cases resulted from this act. Most important was Cherokee Nation VS Georgia 30 US 1, 5 (1831) (see links) and Worcester VS Georgia 31 US 515 (8 L.Ed 483) (1832).

What geographic location were tribes moved to in the Indian removal act of 1830?

Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, And Chickosaw. Also known as the "five civilized tribes"

What two American Indian tribes suffered most from the Indian Removal Act?

Cherokee and Choctaw

Which American Indian tribe took battle over the Indian removal act to court?

The cherokee

Indian Removal Act threatened what constitutional principle?

Andrew jacksons policy of implementing the Indian removal act by evicting the Cherokee tribe threatened the constitutional principle of?

What happened to the Mandan Indians?

The Mandan Indians had to move from their home in the Indian Removal Act

What court case dealt with the Cherokee's attemt to fight the Indian Removal Act?

Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia

What gave Andrew Jackson the power to remove the Cherokee from their land?

Indian Removal Act.