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Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement stated in 2001 that those in prison cannot accrue arrears.

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Q: After you have been released from prison can you file a petition asking the court for the time you were incarcerated to waive your child support payments?
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Does court-ordered child support acrue while incarcerated. If possible how can you defer the payments?

Support accrues until/unless the court changes the terms of the order. The incarcerated obligor should petition the court to do so as soon as possible.

Will your child support payments made by ex husbands disability income stop if incarcerated?

Depends on your crime, but yes.

In Illinois is there some way a parent can receive child support payments if one of the parents is incarcerated?

Child support is based on a percentage of net income. In an official opinion by Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, child support obligation ceases while incarcerated.

If a parent is receiving payments of child support arrearages can the adult children file a petition to get some of that money?


Can you get child support if the father is incarcerated?

Can you get child support inArkansasif their father is incarcerated

Can you ask for child support to be paused while incarcerated?

In my sister's case the child support payments are only defered until he serves his 2-10 years. They will only continue to add up until he has payed the amount in full. This would also depend on what state you are in. We are in MI.

What right does a non custodial parent lose when they are incarcerated and pay no support?

Non custodial parents do not lose any rights when they are incarcerated and pay no support. Since they are incarcerated they usually cannot see their children because they are locked up but they did not lose the right to have visitation once they are released.

Can a child stop child support payments from a noncustodial parent at the age of 18 years of age.?

NO. The person ordered to pay the support must petition the court for that.

Do you have to file a petition to stop child support or does it just stop?

Payments stop in accordance with the language of the court order and/or the laws of your State.

What happens to child support payments if the father is jailed?

If the father was paying you directly, the payments will, of course, cease. If this is the case you must contact the state for assistance. If you were receiving the support payment from the state, then nothing will change and his payments to reimburse the state will become an obligation/lien against him for which he will eventually have to pay the state back.

Do you have to pay child support if the child is in jail?

Good question! I'm not an attorney, but I should hope that child support is not required if the juvenile is vacationing at the State Hotel. I know that people do not get SSI while incarcerated. Check with an attorney, or with someone at Family Court in your state.

How can you reduce child support payments if you were incarcerated?

Incarceration does not automatically relieve one of paying support that's due under any order that was in effect at the time of the obligor's incarceration. In such a case, the incarcerated parent should petition the court to terminated/suspend the obligation. Because support is based on ones income, incarcerated parents are typically not ordered to pay support. In addition, followed by addressing the issue of incarceration, also address the probability to freeze fees as they will incur. Out of experience, I know someone that incurred fees while she was doing her time and had a rude awakening after seeing the bill. Although, there is the options to adjust as long as supporting documents are available.