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After you shave down there a lot of people get red irritated bumps a couple days after. It is important to shave with soap or a shave gel and to shave in the direction of the hair growth not the opposite because ingrown hairs or razor burn can easily infect the hair follicle and lead to a bigger problem in the groin area. If you are not sure if it is this or possible an std it is important to check with your doctor.

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Q: After you shave can herpes look like ingrown hairs?
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No, but if you shave your pubic hair you can get ingrown hairs that can get infected. It is nothing too serious though, it is just kind of like having a pimple. They go away on their own. Cutting your pubic hairs though will not harm you or your vaginal area. if u dont shave ur pubic hairs down their and u have ur period all of ur hair down their gets clumped together and it really hurts, plus it smells even worse

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I sure hope this helps seeing how's this seems to be a normal problem for a lot of people. Like what was said in the last post, they are ingrown hairs caused from shaving in the wrong direction. There are things that you can try to prevent or even help clear up the bumps. One thing is, when you shave (I know most people like a nice clean shave) but instead of getting a smooth shave try shaving in the direction that the hair is growing in. It won't be smooth but it will be close enough so that the hair is not noticeable. Another thing is after you shave, rub baby oil or baby lotion on the area. What this does is soften the hair so that it won't be so coarse and have to literally "push" it's way through your skin. Try to keep lotion or any kind of moisturizer on the area and this should prevent the bumps. Hope this helps. It worked for me and a lot of my friends. they will go away in time. There most likely ingrown hairs. Sometimes they just come and other times its from shaving in the wrong direction. That happend to me in my pubic area. I dont think you can

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no.... you should trim the long pubic hairs tho...................SMe women hate men that shave down there cause they think it a fenamine side other love it cause they think more this is my man,,,,,,,,,, but just trim the long hairs. i dont think shed like hairs in her face when shes blowing you now would you

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What if I don't have bump in between my private.Nothing will happen just get some rash cream and it will be over before you know it,but dont worry. Go to a doctor they will give you something for it.