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Alfred Hitchcock was seen walking on the street shortly after the opening credits in five movies:

Vertigo (1958)
Hitchcock can be seen in a gray suit walking down the street, 11 minutes into the movie.

North By Northwest (1959)
Hitchcock is seen missing a bus during the opening credits.

Psycho (1960)
Hitchcock can be seen four minutes in, through Janet Leigh's window. She is sitting at her desk at the bank, and Hitchcock walks by on the street wearing a cowboy hat.

The Birds (1963)
Hitchcock is seen on the street leaving the pet shop with two white terriers as Tippi Hedren is entering the shop.

Rope (1948)

Hitchcock walking along a street (holding a newspaper) after the opening credits.

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No. Alfred Hitchcock was British.

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It was directed by the famous Alfred Hitchcock. His other well known films are The Birds, Rear Window, and Vertigo.

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The cast of Rope - 1948 includes: John Dall as Brandon - His Friend Edith Evanson as Mrs. Wilson - Their Housekeeper Farley Granger as Phillip - His Friend Alfred Hitchcock as Man Walking in Street After Opening Credits Dick Hogan as David Kentley James Stewart as Rupert Cadell

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Alfred Hitchcock's parents were William and Emma Jane Hitchcock

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Alfred Hitchcock did not appear in the movie Rope. True, he was known for his cameos in his films, but in Rope, his profile appears on a neon sign that is visible through the apartment window.

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No. Alfred Hitchcock was never involved in politics.