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Q: Am I a sociopath if i have no Conscience but when i get angree i get REALLY angree?
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Related questions

Is a sociopath amoral?

A sociopath has no conscience and no sense of guilt. Their key attitude is, "I do what I can get away with" - not just occasionally but as a matter of routine.

What is antisocial personality?

It's a sociopath -- a person with no conscience who uses people.

Can a pathological liar also be a sociopath?

Absolutely. Read 'Without Conscience' by Dr. Robert Hare

What words can be used to describe a sociopath?

AntisocialCunningManipulativeNarcissisticNarcissistRemorselessSoullessUnconscionable (without conscience)Beyond that, check the links listed below.

What characteristics are necessary in a lover for a sociopath to leave his adulterous wife?

If the sociopath thinks he can bleed more out of you than his wife, that's all it will take. Sociopaths have no interest in what you want, only in what they can get. By definition they have no conscience or respect for other people's feelings, and the condition is untreatable. The important question is, what is wrong with YOU that you desire a relationship with a sociopath?

Was Stalin a sociopath?

You could say he was but really he was just paranoid.

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How do you tell a sociopath that they are one?

If you were involved with one and he/she is a chameleon and fools others (only for a short time usually) then worry about getting on with your own life and realizing that others can look after themselves. Sociopath/narcissist will hang themselves every time ... they just have to open their mouths!

Do sociopaths have diabolical minds?

The overriding psychological trait of a sociopath is a complete lack of a conscience. As it is a conscience that keeps most people on the straight and narrow in the conduct of their lives, the lack of a conscience would certainly be a key to someone doing "diabolical things". Couple with a need to "win at all costs", it looks like by many standards, sociopaths can be considered to have diabolical minds.

What if you think you may have some sociopathic tendencies but are not necessarily a full blown sociopath?

Sociopaths have no conscience, and thus do not worry about things like that. You are not a sociopath. That said, there are a number of emotional disorders that have some sociopathic characteristics, and if you are bothered by your feelings or behavior you would do well to speak with a professional about it. Your local mental health society can direct you.

How does a sociopath react when you outright bust him and let him know that he is truly a sociopath?

Sociopaths almost never recognize their lack of empathy and cruelness as a problem. so if you "bust" him or her, nothing good will come of it. Sociopaths will never change. The conscience boat came floating by when they were young and they never jumped on it, and the boat never comes by again. The best way to deal with a sociopath is to get as far away from them as possible. If you must have contact, have as little as possible.

Is a sociopath capeable of falling in love?

Of course they can! And as befitting their psychological trait, they are often callous with their choice of partner (because they have no conscience) and totally self-centred in their derivation of pleasure from the act. And everybody know that sex is a powerful weapon of control, and control/abuse/manipulation are fundamental to a sociopath's existence.