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4d ago

"all-or-none principle." In this principle, once the threshold for firing an action potential is reached, it will occur at full strength regardless of the strength of the stimulus that triggered it.

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Q: An action potential either fires completely or not at all. this is know as?
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When neuron stimulated enough it?

When a neuron is stimulated enough, it reaches its threshold potential and fires an action potential. This action potential travels down the axon of the neuron, allowing for the communication of signals to other neurons or cells.

What makes the cell body fire?

The cell body fires when it receives enough input signals, usually in the form of neurotransmitters from other neurons. These signals can excite or inhibit the cell body, changing its membrane potential until it reaches a threshold that triggers an action potential.

What kind of neuron fires when you observe someone elses behavior?

Mirror neurons are a type of neuron that fires both when an individual performs an action and when they observe someone else perform the same action. These neurons are thought to play a role in understanding and mimicking the actions and intentions of others, contributing to empathy and social cognition.

What is a Pyromaniac?

A pyromaniac is a person with an abnormal fascination or obsession with fire and intentionally sets fires to experience gratification. This behavior is considered a psychological disorder and can be dangerous to themselves and others.

What influence technique is used when the leader fires up enthusiasm for a request by arousing strong emotions to build conviction?

The influence technique being used is emotional appeal or emotional manipulation. By using emotions to build conviction and enthusiasm, the leader is seeking to motivate others to support the request or idea. This technique can be effective in gaining buy-in and inspiring action.

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What kind of potential is it when a neuron fires?

When a signal is sent out from the nervous system it is caused a release of a neurotransmitter that releases an action potential.

What was Excitation and Inhibition about?

Excitation and Inhibition occur in the neurons. Excitation is when a neuron becomes depolarized and fires an action potential. Inhibition is when a neuron becomes hyperpolarized preventing it from firing an action potential.

Refers to the fact that a neuron either fires completely or does not fire at all?

All or none

What refers to the fact that neuron either fires or completely or does not fire at all?

All or none

What does the sinoatrialnode release when it fires?

An action-potential which then travels to the Bundle of His and then the purkinje fibers to depolarize the ventricles to cause contraction.

When a neuron is depolarized to threshold?

1. The neuron fires an action potential, sending the electrical signal down the axon.

The message that travels through a neuron?

A neural impulse. Specifically, once it fires, an action potential.

What refers to the fact that a neuron either fires completely or does not fire at all?

All or none

A neuron fires only when its membrane reaches what?

When it reaches the nerve impulse threshold, the next neuron will fire..

What is the difference between local potential and action potential?

Local Potentials: Ligand regulated, may be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, reversible, local, decremental Action Potentials: Voltage regulated, begins with depolarization, irreversible, self-propagating, nondecremental.

What potential damage can fires cause?

A lot of damage.. anyone knows what fires can do!!!

What has to be crossed before the neuron fires?

Generator potential