

Are Aztecs a military empire

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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The Aztec Empire is long gone, it expired centuries ago, so it is not an empire of any kind, it is just a former empire. And when it existed it was not a military empire in the modern sense of the term; it was ruled by an emperor, not by a general. Of course, it did have military power and did enforce its rule by force. All empires share the characteristics of the military, to some extent.

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they were ruled by a class of nobles made up of priests and military leaders.

What was one strategy the Aztecs used to expand their empire?

They entered into military alliances with neighboring societies.

Did the Aztecs have an empire?

The Aztecs did in fact have an empire. This empire was actually a very famous empire back in the day.

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Yes, The Aztecs had POW, Prisoners of War, and people from neighboring cities they conquered. The Aztecs were a military empire so they forced slaves to work. They also stole goods from the cities they conquered.

How did the Aztecs govern themselve?

The ancient Aztecs had a empire.

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The Aztecs had the world's largest empire in the 1400's.

Who defeated the Aztecs and their emperor?

The Spanish defeated the Aztecs and their empire.

What factors contributed to the fall of the Aztecs empire?

Several factors contributed to the downfall of the Aztec Empire. These are primitive weapons, poor military training, religion, cultural differences among the tribes and disease.

How did the Aztecs build their Empire?

By building

Why did the Aztecs fight?

to strengthen their empire

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