

Best Answer

The Latter Day Saints have some beliefs that differ from the rest of Christianity, but there is nothing bad or evil about the church.

Additional Answer:

Like any other large group of people, there will be good and bad members. The word bad means having undesirable or negative qualities. The LDS Church has none of these. As it is a Restored church guided by revelation, and as revelation from God is all truth(Though the truth may hurt some people), the church cannot be bad.

Another View:

The church's teaching will come into conflict with the teachings of other churches, this is so with most religions. But truth will prevail, truth cannot be changed. The LDS church is guided by revelation and not by man, therefor it is not bad. The idea that some religion is bad is a personal opinion. Jews thought christianity was bad.

Another Answer:

It seems as though many people have created this impression that mormons are bad because they come to your house trying to convert you and they are at times quite annoying, but as far as saying they are bad people because of what they believe is again a personal opinion.

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12y ago

No. If you believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) is the true church of God on the earth, be baptized and become a member! Church members are great people, participate in many service and humanitarian projects, devote their lives to serving others, and work to uphold traditional Christian moral values. That is hardly the description of a bad person.

It is bad, however, to join the Church to simply receive humanitarian aid or to please a friend or relative. Joining any church should be a personal committment to God.

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7y ago

No, "Mormons" are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They try to live Christlike lives and promote strong family values. The Church has a huge worldwide humanitarian and charity effort, and local congregations often sponsor service projects in their communities. Many might disagree with their doctrinal beliefs, but nobody can deny that they strive to be a powerful force for good in the world.

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13y ago

No, not at all, the religion is more demanding than other religions, such as we don't smoke, drink, view pornography, or any addictive or God offending thing. We also pay 10% of our earnings to the Church to fulfill the law of tithing as stated in The Bible and help build God's Kingdom on Earth, so that the Church might help those in need by giving them more than generous, in my opinion, offerings of food, of which I currently am using and am grateful for it. They perform service regularly, if you see some young men and women sacrificing their time to clean a slightly unnoticeable patch of land, ask is their Mormon, its likely.

We also build temples just as commanded in the Bible, and do many biblical rituals(for lack of a better word) such as baptisms for the dead and endowments.

We also have eternal marriages, marriages that last for eternity, that our families may be together forever. Our church is lead by a prophet, called of God, currently serving is Thomas Spencer Monson, with two counselors, we are also, like the early Christian church established by Jesus, the only church on the Earth to have a Council of the Twelve Apostles, just like the early church. We are the only church on the Earth today that has exactly the same church as Jesus did in the ancient era. We also believe that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings not three in one, nor one in three, contrary to many other Christians.

We also believe that with the Lord's sacrificial grace and through our faith guided by our works, we are saved. We also believe in a pre-existence where Heaven was in a conflict, there was Lucifer and his followers, who said that he would go down to Earth and be sure that all men are to follow his Word and there shalt be no sin, but Lucifer was to be glorified, but Jesus came forth saying to the Father to let him go and man would have agency, or the right to choose, right from wrong, but the Father would be glorified, even as Jesus died for the salvation of man; all who live on Earth were in accord of the Father's and Jesus' plan, 1/3 of everyone in Heaven followed Lucifer, would was engulfed in his pride, and was exiled out of the kingdom and set up his kingdom in the outer darkness called Hell. (This may sound mythological but if you really research it, and pray about it, I guarantee you, you will know that it happened)

There is so much more I could tell you about the Church that has changed so many lives for the better for themselves and those around them but if you have any questions go to our official website (see below) directed toward those non-Mormons seeking to investigate the church.

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13y ago

"Mormons" are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are not bad people. They are law-abiding and God-fearing people who have conservative moral standards. They tend to be very religious and seek to live lives that are pleasing to God. They are often very involved in community service and humanitarian aid, and are eager to share their beliefs with others.

If you'd like to learn more about "Mormons" or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, visit the "Related Link" below.

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13y ago

Mormons are not "bad" any more than anyone else is. Many Christians do not consider Mormons to be Christians because some of their doctrines differ from what most Christian churches teach.

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13y ago

No. "Mormons" are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They tend to be quite religious and very are family and service oriented people.

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Are Mormons good?

Well, yeah. We certainly aren't bad, and we are taught to do service when we can, to love one another, and we oppose violence. I myself see that as good. But of course there are Mormons who have been baptised but still do bad things occasionally, or perhaps have fallen away from the church.

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Mormons have standards called The Word of Wisdom. Mormons aren't generally prettier than other people. It's just that they don't drink, smoke, or the like. Drinking and smoking are bad for your health and they disfigure the body.

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Why were the Mormons kicked out of their own home?

Mormons were kicked out of their homes in Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois because people didn't like them. In Ohio, the Mormons left because the violence and persecution against them became too bad. The Church was growing quickly with many moving into the area, and people didn't appreciate the large influx of immigrants. In Missouri, the violence and persecution were bad, and additionally the government issued an 'extermination order' against them, which told the citizens of Missouri to drive the Mormons from the state. This was partly due to the Mormons mostly being abolitionists, and Missouri being a slave state. In Illinois, the violence and persecution grew so bad that the leader of the Mormon church was murdered by an armed mob. The governmentin Illinois asked the Mormons to leave the state to restore peace to the area.

What are the bad things that they say about Mormons?

Many things that people say against Mormons simply come from someone who is uninformed or has a different opinion. This does not mean that it is bad, but it is often offensive. Those who are uninformed or misinformed often say: -Mormons are polygamist (this practice was banned by the church over 120 years ago in 1890) -Mormons dont believe in the Bible (Mormons consider the King James Version of the Bible as sacred scripture and are encouraged to study it daily) -Mormons don't believe in Jesus (Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior, just like all Christians) -Mormons are cultish (Mormons live and dress and act just like most anyone else in society. They do not live on compunds, etc.) -Mormons worship Joseph Smith (Mormons believe Joseph Smith was a prophet, just like Moses or Abraham, not a god to be worshipped) -Mormons kidnap, brainwash, coerce, etc (Mormons wish everyone to make their own decisions, and define their standards by Scripture) Those who have different opinions and say things that are offensive to Mormons often say: -Mormons are not Christian (Mormons are not traditional Protestant Christians, but they do still believe in the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ.) -Mormons are lying (Mormons honestly believe they are telling the truth) -Mormonism is a pyramid scheme (Mormons believe in paying a Tithe and in missions work to gain converts, but believe this is Biblically based and do not seek converts for monetary gain) -Mormons are unbiblical (Mormons believe that they are following the Bible very strictly, but the Bible can be interpreted differently by different people) -Mormonism is false (this is obviously just an opinion, but one that is often offensive to those who honestly believe)

What religious group settle in Utah?

The Latter Day Saints or Mormons.I really think it was Mormons. I am doing a assiment for my schoool and that fits into what i could be either but that's just my oppinionIn 1844 the Mormons followed Brigham Young to what would become the Utah Territory.

Where do most Mormons live outside the US?

Of the 13,824,854 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) worldwide, 7,785,947 live outside the United States. That is, 56% of all baptised Mormons live outside the U.S. Nations with quite a few Mormons are: Canada 179,801 Mormons (1% of Mormons are Canadian, 0.5% of Canadians are Mormon) Samoa 69,224 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 39% of Samoans) Tonga 55,173 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 53% of Tongans) Mexico 1,197,573 Mormons (8.7% of Mormons, 1% of Mexicans) Guatemala 220,296 Mormons (1.6% of Mormons, 1.6% of Guatemalans) El Salvador 105,501 Mormons (0.8% of Mormons, 2% of El Salvadorians) Hondouras 136,408 Mormons (1% of Mormons, 2% of Hondourans) Brazil 1,102,674 Mormons (8% of Mormons, 0.6% of Brazilians) Chile 561,920 Mormons (4% of Mormons, 3.3% of Chileans) Peru 480,816 Mormons (3.5% of Mormons, 1.7% of Peruvians) Philippines 631,885 Mormons (4.6% of Mormons, 0.7% of all Philippinos) UK 186,082 Mormons (1.3% of Mormons, 0.3% of all UK) Australia 126,767 Mormons (0.9% of Mormons, 0.6% of Australians) New Zealand 100,962 Mormons (0.7% of Mormons, 2.4% of all New Zealanders) To compare, the United States has 6,038,907 Mormons. That's 44% of Mormons and 2% of all Americans. But you can find Mormons in nearly every nation of the World! The "Related Link" below has a great population statistics map related to Mormon Church membership.

How many actors in the movie twilight were Mormons?

I wouldn't call them morons exactly, and this question really has no point.

How bad is KU?

really really reallyreallyreallyreally bad. , they suck!

Is it bad for a Christian to be with a Mormon?

No, infact, Mormons are Christians themselves. Christians define themselves as followers of Christ-Mormons are followers of Christ-thus, they are Christians. Anything said about Christians of different denominations not being allowed to be with a Mormon is a myth.