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Q: Are Sticky thicker lavas rich in silica?
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Why is silica rich magma explosive?

This is because silica-rich magma is thicker. The thicker the magma, the chance for the dissolved gas in there to escape is less likely. This causes an explosion. When the gases do escape, they cause an even bigger explosion

Thinner easy flowing lavas are rich in?

Thin, easy flowing lava is usually rich in iron and magnesium. Thick, slow moving lava is usually rich in silica.

What kind of lava does composite volcanoes produce AA or pahoehoe?

Usually neither. A'a and pahoehoe lavas are both of mafic composition (rich in iron and magnesium, poor in silica) and form basalt when they cool. Composite volcanoes usually erupt material of intermediate to felsic composition (felsic is rich in alkalis, aluminum, and silica), with lavas cooling into rocks such as andesite, dacite, and rhyolite.

Why are silica-rich magmas thicker than silica-poor magma?

The SiO4 tetrahedra continuously form bonds with adjacent ions and atoms, essentially causing the liquid to strik to itself.

Is rhyolite silica rich or silica poor?

Rhyolite is felsic and thus silica rich.

What is Krakatoa a silica rich or a silica poor?

silca rich

Was krakatau's erupted by lava rich in silica or lava low in silica?

lava rich in silica

What are silica rich and thick magma is what?

Silica is sand dust.

What kind of silica do strato volcanos have?

silica-rich magma

Is scoria rich in silica?

No. Scoria is relatively silica poor.

What magma is rich in feldspars and silica?

no its the least silica rich of granitic and andesitic magma.

Is calcite silica rich or silica poor?

Calcite does not contain any silica. It is a carbonate mineral.