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Q: Are assets held in a Limited Liability Corporation protected from medicaid expenses for long term care?
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How does the company deal with patients who also have medicaid and medicare?

Medicaid is the payor of last resort. Therefore, bill Medicare first. Bill Medicaid for any expenses Medicare didn't cover.

Can a medicare or Medicaid beneficary join a hmo?

Certainly altho I see no benefit for a Medicaid recipient. The HMO would be the primary insurer and Medicare secondary. Medicaid is always the payor of last resort. However, there shouldn't be any expenses for Medicare or Medicaid to pay.

Can Medicaid take assets after a death?

Medicaid can file a property lien and/or estate claim to recover expenses from the assets of the deceased recipient.

Can medicaid help pay for childbirth expenses after Blue Cross Blue Shield has paid?

Yes, up to the amount Medicaid would have paid if the patient had no other coverage.

What is the name of the federal grant program that helps pay healthcare expenses for those who cannot afford them?


Is a primary residence protected from Medicaid?

Homestead property is not a bar to receiving Medicaid. However, the State may file a lien on the property, payable when it is sold or otherwise transferred.

If a person is Medicaid pending when they decease does the Medicaid process continue until approved and pay the outstanding Medicaid eligible expenses?

Yes the application is processed as usual; and if the individual is found to be eligible, the case is approved with an ending date corresponding to the date of death.

Are state correctional systems considered payer of last resort under medicaid guidelines?

Medicaid is the payor of last resort. State correctional systems are generally responsible for the medical expenses of their guests.

Does Medicaid pay for cremation?

dose medicare cover any funeral expenses? no

Can i submit a bill nys Medicaid for medicare hmo deductible?

You cannot bill Medicaid for your HMO deductibles. However, if you are medicaid eligible, you don't need a Medicare HMO - Medicaid should be paying your Medicare co-payments, deductibles, and any other covered expenses that Medicare doesn't pay. If you are on Medicaid spend-down, your HMO deductible is a medical expense that can be applied to spend-down.

How does managed care organizations deal with patients who have both medicaid and medicare?

This would be a very rare situation, I think. In such a case, the managed care organization would be the primary insurer and Medicare secondary. Medicaid is always the payor of last resort. However, there shouldn't be any expenses for Medicare or Medicaid to pay.