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In Ancient Greece, their Mythology wasn't myth, in their time, it was as much a religion as Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic faiths are today. Technically, the Greeks Gods are as real as Jesus, that is to say, non-existant. They very well could have been real people, but, even so, the stories of their lives were blown way out of proportions. Today, according to the History Channel, scientists have begun to wonder if the so called "gods" were maybe extra terrestrial beings from another world, who seemed to be gods to the naive people of Ancient Greece.

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The Greek mythology was the religion of the ancient Greeks. Nobody believes those stories today.

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Q: Are mythology stories true
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Is mythology true?

Yes and No. Maybe. Mythological stories are stories from long ago that explained the world to the people back then. An interesting thing about many of them (e.g.Greek, Roman, Native American) is that they share stories of the flood, the people are similar with different names and the phrasing can be similar. Mythology is an interesting field of study. Answer Most mythologies are not true. But if you want to get technical, religion is mythology so just ask yourself this, is religion true?

What are the similarities between Myths and Fairy tales?

Folktales- stories from different cultures that were told and passed down from generation to generation. Myths- Stories that when they were first created were thought to be true such as the stories in Greek Mythology were thought to be true back in ancient Greece, Roman Mythology was thought to be true around the time of the Roman Empire and Egytian Mythology was thought to be true back in ancient Egypt. Fairytales- Just little made up stories that are centuries old, they are pretty much folktales but they dont speak of the culture and society as folktales do

What does the title of the creation from Luzon suggest?

The creation of Luzon story is a complete story of mythology , a Filipino mythology, and as in all mythology stories they are never true at all. And we should not pay much attention to them at all.

What is the difference between a myth and a mythology?

myth was their stories,mythology was their religion

Is greek mythology part of the present?

Greek mythology is stories from the past

What kind of stories was involved Zeus?

Greek mythology stories. xD but they weren't stories they were real!

What kinds of stories were often painted on Greek vases?

Often stories from mythology.

Isn't it true that Jesus Christ is the son of God who died for the sins of mankind and rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven?

No. The Bible is a work of fiction. The stories are mythology; not unlike the stories of Homer and the Greeks.

What is ancient mythology?

The stories about gods in ancient religions.

Is Greek mythology part of ancient Greek religion?

Yes. Popular convention is that the foundation stories of Christianity should not be referred to as myths, but that the foundation stories of other religions can be. Thus the foundation stories of the ancient Greek religion are referred to as myths, or collectively as mythology. Further, the ancient Greeks often accepted their foundation stories as not being literally true, but symbolic. They saw no inherent difficulty in teaching myths to help in understanding their religion.AnswerYes, mythology is the whole of stories about the Gods and Heroes that was paced down orally and later written down. While it is part of the Hellenic religion, it is not the same as the Hellenic religion.

Why does Roman mythology exist?

... -.-' Why does Braveheart exist? Mythology is like the stories our mothers told us when they wabted us to go to sleep, or the stories we hear about what Jesus did and generally stories we make up for many reasons. These are passed down generations till civilization goes through a great change an then these stories are found by future generations and named "mythology". So yes Roman Mythology are the stories Romans had about their gods and their heroes, very similarly to Greek Mythology since most of the Romans had Greek ancestors. Now in answer to your question why this mythology exist... I don't know, why did your mother told you stories to go to sleep when you were young? (Most likely at least.) I think it's because people need something greater, bigger and powerful that is watching over them to believe in. It's important to remember that myths are RELIGIOUS tales. People actually believed they were true accounts of their gods and goddesses, as much as we believe in the Bible today.

Are How To Train What if your Dragon books true stories?

No, the "How to Train Your Dragon" books by Cressida Cowell are fictional stories based on fantasy and mythology. They follow the adventures of a young Viking named Hiccup and his dragon, Toothless, in the fictional world of Berk.