

Are orchids more common to grow on the ground or trees?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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in the ground, they usually dont grow in trees.

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Q: Are orchids more common to grow on the ground or trees?
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Related questions

What do trees and orchids have in common?

Orchids grow on tree bark in the tropical forest. Can't elaborate any further sorry

Why do orchids need to be placed in a tree?

Not all Orchids need to grow on trees, only the epiphytes, terrestiall Orchids grow in the soil.

What will happen if orchids grow in soil or drift wood?

They will grow in both, and they will just grow and probagate, most Orchids are "Epiphytes", they attach themselves to plants but generally to trees, they are not parasites they just use the plant or trees for support.Other Orchids are "Lithophytes, they grow on rocks, stones etc.There are some that are called "True Terrestrials", they grow in soil as opposed to the "Simiterrestrials" which grow on the ground on decomposing matter.Please see related link below.

Why is the relationship between trees and orchids not considered parasitic?

Because, to reach the sunlight, orchids get a boost from the forest trees. Orchids will attach themselves and grow on the trunks of the trees. In this way, the orchids move up off the dark forest floor and closer to the sunny canopy

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they grow on the ground and in trees

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That is Correct. The common misconception is that they grow in the ground. The tree isn't very tall but only grows to an average height of about 3 feet tall. So yes they do grow on trees.

Where do some trees grow?

The trees grow on the ground and they require air,water and soil

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