


Members of the largest famly of flowering plants, Orchdaceae, all orchids are monocots and have three petals. They are highly prized by horticulturists and florists for their unique coloration and diverse forms, and occur on all continents except Antarctica. With 330 genera and nearly 22,000 accepted species, questions and answers in this category are endless!

366 Questions

What might happen to the orchid plant if it were moved into a grassland from the taiga?

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The orchid plant may struggle to adapt to the different environmental conditions in the grassland, such as temperature, humidity, and light levels. It may not receive the proper nutrients or pollinators it needs to thrive, leading to stunted growth or even death. Additionally, competition from other grassland species may hinder its ability to survive and reproduce.

Why is the relationship between trees and orchids not considered parasitic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The relationship between trees and orchids is not considered parasitic because it is a type of epiphytism. Orchids use trees for support and elevated position to access sunlight, moisture, and nutrients from the air and debris that accumulates around them. They do not harm the tree by taking nutrients directly from it.

What is orchid cloning?

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Orchid cloning, or micropropagation, is a technique used to produce genetically identical orchid plants. This is typically done by taking a small piece of tissue from a parent plant and growing it in a nutrient-rich medium under sterile conditions to produce new plants. This method allows for the rapid multiplication of orchids with desirable traits.

Will my orchid plant still live if the leaves became water logged and fall off?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the leaves of your orchid plant became waterlogged and fell off, it may still survive if the roots are healthy. Trim any rotting roots, repot the orchid in fresh, well-draining soil, and adjust your watering routine to ensure the plant dries out between waterings. With proper care, it has a chance to recover.

Where do orchid plants live?

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There are two types of orchids - ground orchids and epiphytic orchids (those with areal roots which are found growing on the trunks of trees).

Generally orchids are found in tropical or subtropical areas with high humidity, high rainfall and slightly acidic soil (for the ground dwelling type).

There are also a small group of orchids which are found in arid areas - but very limited in range.

How do orchid plants benefit by living high in trees?

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Asked by Wiki User

Orchid plants benefit by living high in trees because they have access to higher light levels, better air circulation, and protection from ground-dwelling predators. Being perched on trees also provides them with access to nutrients and water that flow down from the branches.

What kind of ecosystem does the eastern prairie fringed orchid live in?

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The eastern prairie fringed orchid typically lives in the tallgrass prairie ecosystem. These orchids prefer habitats with moist to wet soils and thrives in open grasslands with plenty of sunlight. They rely on specific plant and mycorrhizal associations for growth and reproduction.

What does the word Orchid mean?

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An orchid is a type of flowering plant that is known for its diverse and vibrant blooms. It symbolizes beauty, love, and strength in various cultures, and has become a popular choice for decorative purposes and gifts due to its elegant appearance.

What is the phylum name of an orchid?

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One of the largest groups of flowering plants, orchids are a member of the Orchdaceae family A member of the plant kingdom, phylum Angiosperm, the orchid family is the focus of much cross breeding.

Is an orchid biennial?

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Orchids are not biennial plants. They are perennial plants, meaning they can live for many years, continuously blooming and growing with the right care. They do not have a set life cycle of two years.

What is a brown bee orchid?

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The brown bee orchid is a type of orchid that is named for its unique flower shape, which resembles a resting bee. It is native to certain regions in Europe and is known for its intricate brown and yellow markings that mimic a bee to attract pollinators.

What is the common name for SiO2?

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The common name for SiO2 is silicon dioxide, also known as silica.

What is common name of Pyrococcus furiosus?

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The common name for Pyrococcus furiosus is "extremophile archaeon." It is a species of microorganism known for its ability to thrive in extreme environments, such as high temperatures and acidic conditions.

What is the scientific name for black orchids?

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Orchis spectabilis is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Purple-hooded Orchid.

Specifically, a scientific name combines at least two words. The first word describes the genus as that of the orchids, Orchis. The second word elaborates that the species is outstanding, spectabilis.

What is the scientific name of the Water Spider Orchid?

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Asked by Ginezumi

The edges of water bodies is the habitat of the Water Spider Orchid (Habenaria repens).

Specifically, this orchid lives up to its name. It may be found along lakes, pools and streams. It also may grow in swamps and out of wet ditches.

Why orchid is a monocot?

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Can a dead orchid be revived?

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Yes sure. But it needs some rest. So trim off the dried stems, don not water it too much (about once a week a tablespoon) and do not move it around.

what do you mean by the dried stems?

What type of plants are orchids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some types are Denobrium, Phaleanopsis, Brassia, and Princess Mikasa

What is the Three Birds Orchid's scientific name?

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Triphora trianthophora is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Three Birds Orchid.

Specifically, the scientific name is made up of at least two words. The first is the genus, which honors the orchid's tendency to sport three flowers near its three topmost leaves. The second word is the species, which emphasizes once again the plant's tendency to produce three flowers.

What are protective structure of orchids?

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The protective structure of a rose is the thorns. The thorns grow up and down the stems of the plant. It protects the plant from being eaten.

How do orchids grow?

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You can wait until your orchid grows more stalks, which will sooner or later form its own roots. Separate these stalks gently from the main plant, and pot it separately in its own container. You can also try to grow orchids from seeds. Wait till your plant forms seed pods. let the seed pods dry out and turn brown, then take the seeds and plant them in a sterile potting mix.

Are orchids trees?

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I think you mean orchard. It doesn't have to be but a few trees, or can cover several hundred acres, as long as fruit trees are the main species.

Where is orchid fertilizer shop?

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In Australia

The Orchid Tray Company

What do trees and orchids have in common?

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Orchids grow on tree bark in the tropical forest. Can't elaborate any further sorry