

Are pesticide pellets better than pesticide spraying?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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You're thinking of the granules-that is only good for insects on the ground, eaves etc bushes should still be sprayed to get the Spiders, otherwise they would never make contact

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Q: Are pesticide pellets better than pesticide spraying?
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No. BB's do not fly as straight as pellets. Pellets deform when they hit a target and have more knock down power. BB's do not deform when they strike and will make the rodent suffer before death where as pellets make a clean kill.

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Prepare, a little pesticide is better than losing your entire crop. A $20 flu shot is better than being hospitalized by severe flu..... Safely placing the candle away from flammable is better than rebuilding your burnt down house.

How do you make your own pesticide at home?

Some things really are best left to the professionals. This is one of them. Anyone who can't figure out how to make a pesticide on their own is more likely to kill themselves trying than to make a safe and effective pesticide. That said: one reason tobacco plants contain nicotine is that it's toxic to certain kinds of pests; you could try soaking cigarettes or chewing tobacco in water and lightly spraying it on your plants. I personally wouldn't do it on any plants I intended to eat, but it should be fine on ornamentals (assuming you don't have pets or small children).

How does the calorific value of pellets compare with oil and gas?

The calorific value of one litre of extra light oil amounts to 10 kWh, as does the calorific value of 1m3 of gas. It is therefore true that: 2kg pellets ~ 1 litre extra light oil ~ 1m3 gas. In terms of price pellets do significantly better than oil and LPG.