

Are sea animals blind

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7y ago

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Generally, no.

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Q: Are sea animals blind
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How do animals see under deep sea?

They use their eyes, but many are blind or very nearly blind.

Which sea animal is blind?

Many many types of sea animals are blind; the list includes sea anemones, corals, jellyfish, starfish, urchins, sea cucumbers, sea lillies, sponges, tunicates, and many many more.

What animals live in or near the Indus river?

Indus blind dolphin and green sea turtle.

Which animals live in the Indus river valley?

The Indus Blind dholphin and the sea turtle

Why don't animals have a blind spot?

Animals actually do have blind spots. For example, a horse has a blind spot directly in front of it that grows smaller the closer you get.

How do blind animals protect themselves?

Blind animals have great hearing so they hear when something or someone is approaching.But most of blind animals have to be put down if found. Like old dogs :<.

Why are your pigeons going blind?

They are not really night blind but they are diurnal animals.

Sea animals?

Sea animals live anywhere in the SEA.

What is the habitat of the blind dolphin?

the RED SEA but the blind dolphin is endangered sadly

What sea animals start with the letter s?

Sharks are sea animals. Salmon are sea animals.

Is there a color blind test for animals?

No, there is no color blind test for animals that you can do at home. There actually is no color blind test at all, only tests to check their vision if they can see at all.

What animals are not blind?

The ones that can see.