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Indus blind dolphin and green sea turtle.

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Q: What animals live in or near the Indus river?
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Why did the Indus civilization begin near the Indus river?

Because in that time it was a great feature to live near a river due to the fact thar the enemies would have had to cross the river. So for protection.

How does the Indus river affect people today?

The Indus River is a major Asian river that flows through Pakistan. The river is used for trade, fishing and irrigation by the people who live near it.

Indias first civilization grew up near what river?

Indus river

Why did they settle near the Indus river?

they settled near the Indus river because it was great for transportation and water to support there crops

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The animals that live near it is a golden monkey.

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What animals live on the river Lagan?

There are many animals that live in and near the river Liffey. These animals include fish and many species of birds.

Why is it termed as the indus valley civilization?

because it is situated near the river indus

What major industries are near the Indus River?

There are several major industries that are near the Indus River. The most popular industries are the hydroelectric plants and the irrigation.

What city is near the Indus river?

lohore surrondes the Indus river!!

Where do the river ganga and Indus have their origin?

origin of river Indus-Near kailas mountain,Mansarowar lake. origin of river Ganga-Gangotri Glacier-Uttarkhand,India.

What animals live near Pentecost river?

fish and stuff