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Yes, they can be and are blonde. They are also redheads.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Yes, there are Jews who have blond hair.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

yes dylan harper

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βˆ™ 3y ago

There are lots of blond Jews, but fewer blond Arabs. Ashkenazic Jews have been living as a minority in northern Europe for at least 1000 years, and maintaining the rule that the child of a Jewish mother is a Jew regardless of paternity. The average European Jewish community appears to have suffered a massacre every few centuries, and during each of these, women survivors frequently suffered rapacious behavior. Conversions may also have contributed some fair hair, but they were comparatively rare. In contrast, Arabs, until recently, have not had a great diaspora where large numbers live as a minority among other peoples, and the identity of Arabs as Arabs may not be stable when they live as a minority in other peoples. Note that the question asked about Arabs and not Muslims. There are plenty of blond Muslims.

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The Nazis tried to kill all Jews, regardless of hair or eye color.

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Yes, it's true. She was born in Radauti, Romania from a Jewish family of Hasidic Jews. She was blonde so she totally passed as a non-Jew.

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A "Constructional Jew" is a Jew who's constructed to be a Jew.

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All Jews were forced in a concentration camp but most likely Jews didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.Jews mostly had dark hair and brown eyes.But if a Jew did have blue eyes and blonde hair they would be sent to a Concentration camp.

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There are 12 shades: Bright golden blonde Dark ash blonde Honey blonde Light ash blonde Light golden blonde Light plale blonde Light white blonde Medium ash blonde Medium golden blonde Platiunum blonde Soft medium blonde Strawberry blonde

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Adolf Hitler wanted to have a perfect society. Perfect in his eyes meant blonde hair, blue eyes, and Non-Jew. He wanted to "clense" the Jewish race out of the world.

Are you blonde if your hair is a dirty blonde color?

Yes, you are still blonde even when it's dirty blonde. The darkest blonde is ginger blonde, which is a very dark blonde.

Blonde woman in french?

"Blonde woman" in French is "femme blonde."

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yes she is the biggest jew in jew beliefs

When was Blonde on Blonde created?

Blonde on Blonde was created on 1966-05-16.

What is a bottle blonde?

A bottle blonde is someone who dyed their hair blonde. (Someone That wasn't born blonde.)We call it, "Blonde out of a bottle!"