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slogan on energy and water conservation

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Q: Are there Slogans relating water and energy saving?
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What are slogans on water saving?

water is life , water is bright everybody know water is right for life.

What is the Water saving slogans according to grade one level?

Drip drop, save the drop.

Slogans on saving water?

1. save water, save life 2. save water it will save you later

How saving water conserve energy?

they conserve energy because it uses energy to make water flow into your taps.

Would I be saving on energy and water to hand waash my dishes?

Yes it does save on energy but is about the same amount of water.

Which washers machine offers a great energy savings when it comes to water saving?

There are great energy saving washers made by GE that are priced cheaper than most.

Solgans on environment?

There are many slogans on saving the environment. There's no such thing as peak sun, no future in limited resources, no Water no Life, our bodies need clean bodies of water, and we're all equal in our need for water are just a few.

Is saving water saving energy?

Yes it is. Almost if you live in a place where you can access enough water sources in a year... otherwise is a vital need. No one water drop wastes itself. Wherever you put or whatever you use it for . (Water Cycle) But you may need energy for water treatment, because of the pollution (atmosphere, springs, rivers) that waste it along the track made before you can use it . Pollution acts like someone that use water before you can get it. So what you get is not what you could. Wasted water needs another round in the cycle (and a clean return path) or energy to be used to make it accettable for any use. Yes saving water saves energy! 6.5% of the energy used in the state of California is for pumping and treating water - in fact, pumping water south (and uphill) in the State Water Project accounts for 2-3% of all the electricity used in the state. If we can reduce our consumption of water, less amount of energy would be required for pumping and treating water. Small measures like fixing leaking faucets and sprinklers can also go a long way in saving water. For more water saving tips, check out the link below.

Say few slogans about ecosystem?

lets stop deforestation,replant like reforestation

What are some slogans for water?

drink it or die

What's the best and most efficient water heater for a family of four?

A large energy saving one. It will keep lots of hot water and will use less energy when not in use.

Why are dual flush toilets energy saving?

Because to the extent there is less use of water you have to pump less and so less energy consumed.