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yes, however they are typically of the man-eating variety

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Q: Are there any mushrooms in the savanna?
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What types of fungus live in the African savanna?


What are some of the fungus in the tropical savanna?

Because the African savanna has a very arid climate, there are less instances of fungal growth than is seen in damper areas. However, there are still instances of fungi that grow in the savanna such as turkey tail mushrooms, crimson cup fungi, and sulfur shelf fungi.

What in the Savanna Desert eats mushrooms?

The savannah is not a desert, it is a distinct biome, a transition zone between a desert and a forest or grassland.

Is there any bacteria in the savanna?

The savanna has no bacteria recently because it is a new breed,however when the savanna's breed gets older it might get bacteria.

Is the word savanna like meaning the desert savanna?

A savanna is a transition zone between two distinct biomes, such as a forest and a grassland or a desert. The word savanna can mean any of a number of such transition biomes. However, a savanna is not a desert as it receives more rainfall.

Can you get a disease from magic mushrooms?

If improperly stored, fungus can grow in magics mushrooms (mushrooms themselves are a speciece(sp?) of fungus). However, magic mushrooms themselves do not cause any diseases, any other than getting a food infection from fungi that can grow on improperly stored magic mushrooms (which can also happen to normal mushrooms or any other type of fresh food).

What are some of the decomposers that live in the Savanna?

Decomposers that live in African savannas include different types of fungi and bacteria. Other animals include earthworms and various insects.

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Are there any producers in Savanna?

There are trees, shrubs, and grass.

Is there any water in the tropical savanna?

in rainy seansons..

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What is a person who studies mushrooms called?

a mycologist is a person who studies mushrooms.