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guppies that's what i have

AnswerFirst of all, not sure what size tank you have. Be sure your tank is large enough to accomodate several fish and that it is filtered. Personally I had a bad experience with the guppies and my MALE betta. I think you would have a better experience with neon or glowlight tetras, or some other small type of tetra. I have 3 of each in my tank with the betta. The betta usually likes to hang at the top of the tank where there is much green plants and calm water (I have a bio-filter). The tetras normally stay toward the bottom to middle of tank and leave the betta alone. The betta recipicates and leaves them alone as well. However.... when I purchased fancy tail guppies that is when the trouble started. The guppies always stayed near the TOP of the tank and I believe this annoyed the betta. He is very territorial and they were invading his space. Needless to say, after about 3 days the first guppy died - his tail was eaten off. The next couple days the other guppy also died mysteriously; again his tail was missing. Prior to the guppies' appearance there was peace in the tank which also included Kahli loaches, algae eaters and a rhino plescostomus.

Good luck!

IT'S THE FINNS! beta's do not like anything with wavy fins they want to fight it. beta's get along with lots of other fish as long as it does not have competitive finns, it's that simple.

AnswerAll I have in my head are guppies. A Choice Other Then GuppiesA good choice of fish to house with a betta are; Rasboras, swordtails, platies and mollies are all compatible with bettas. Guppies (in my experience) really aren't good to keep with bettas because they see them as another male betta with those pretty and colorful tails.

I think the best choices for possible tank mates for him in a smaller tank would be rasboras, neons, Cory cats and cardinal tetras. The others are livebearers, so unless you plan on more tanks it will get pretty crowded in there eventually. :)


Barbs are good, they're very peacefull and very active.

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Can betas live with guppy's?

No. Male bettas can be kept in community aquariums, but should not be kept with fish that look anything like they do, or are small enough to eat. A male betta will mistake a guppy for another betta and kill it. Female bettas, however, can be kept with other "betta-like" fish without a problem.

Can a baby Oscar and a betta be kept together?

A betta is best as a solitary fish and it would be better to remove it from your main tank and give it a small tank to itself. You can buy very inexpensive betta tank kits for one betta.

How much does a betta fish last?

A betta fish can last 2 - 5 years if kept in a tank with proper conditions.

Do betta fish kill humans?

No. Betta (splendens) are a small fish commonly kept as pets and are harmless to humans. Maybe if one was stupid enough to swallow one live with the tail going in first one could be choked by it.

How come betta fish are fighting fish?

Fighting fish is their nic-name so they should be kept separate

What temperature should bettas fish be kept at?

Betta fish should be kept in water 72-82'F(22-28'C).

What are some relaxing freshwater fish to watch that can be kept in a ten gallon tank that get along with Betta fish?

Any fish that does not have long fins. p.s. i have a betta named Frodo lol

Can you take your betta fish to school?

i have before. and i just kept them in a class room

Do betta fish need air pump?

Betta fish do not need to be in oxygenated water because they gulp air from the surface of the water. They can be kept in a variety of small containers. I found some really stylish ones online at I attached a link for you!

Can beta's fish get cold?

Any tropical fish can get cold. A Betta needs to be kept at around 75F to 80F.

How long before you can put betta fish together?

Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.

Are betta fish aggressive?

Yes.yes.very aggressive.they have to be kept alone or it'll fight with others.