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Sweetie... dump him.. you dont need someone who treats you as SECOND CLASS..... if you really love him... give him an ultimatum... then you will either change him or loose him... at least you were in control about that...... good luck... also shoot him in the face with a shotgun. do it!!!!

If he says hes not ready for commitment he is using you until he can find someone else. He probably has a string of women lined up to use. Some will be gorgeous, ugly, young, old, you are not important to him and dont let him fool you into thinking you are. my N is a middle aged batchelor, he just cant leave his mother. i have helped him and supported him for 6 years, after years of trying to help him do something possitive, the min i get any result his mum talks to him the min ive gone and he has changed his mind. she should be encourageing him. i dont no enough about his mom to know if she is one too but if he s still with her at that age you wont win. you ll just make yourself ill trying, its really not worth it!

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Q: Are there good ways to tell if a middle-aged bachelor has problems because he is a narcissist or if he has problems because his mother was one?
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