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No I get angry at my parents and then I cool off playing video games or going for a walk and then I talk to my parents about what happen

You must first try to understand WHY you are getting angry all the time with your parents. Is it because of something they have really done to you ? or is it because you can't get your own way with them? If you answer yes to the last part then consider this, You are the child, and they are doing what they think is best for you to make sure you have a safe and happy upbringing. If you answered yes to the second part. because you can't get your own way. then it's time you stopped being such a brat and grow up. If it's the first part. THEY are doing something to hurt you physically then go to a relative and ask for help telling them the trouble you're having. And last but not least. If you are a true teenager and suffering from raging hormones. Time will take care of that. All you need to do is try to be calmer and not fly off the handle every time one of your parents speak to you, remember Mom and Dad have feelings too and probably cringe every time you snap at them. They love you. hope this helps

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Q: Are you a bad person because you get angry all the time at your parents?
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