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The law can be different from one state to another, and it can also depend on your age. if you are a minor, you might be required to wear a helmet. if you are an adult, you might not. However, you should wear your helmet regardless of your age. For what they cost and the small effort it is to wear them they're an excellent protection against head injuries.

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13y ago
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9y ago

No. Not untill December 1st 2014. This will run untill 15th June 2016. A fine of between £30 and £550 will be given. There is an exeption. Racers will not be charged or if you own enough proof to show that the police have let you ride without a helmet. A failure to do so is the original fine.

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10y ago

No solid answer to that-the laws are different from place to place.

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13y ago

It's spelt BREAKING and Depends on the local laws, in some places it is, in others it isn't. Sometimes it also depends on your age.

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Q: Is it against the law for minors to ride their bike without a helmet?
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the bike helmet was made to produce maximum protection to your head. the bike helmet was made to produce maximum protection to your head.

Is riding a bike without a helmet illegal in California?

If you're under 18, yes.

What is the legal age in CA to not wear a helmet?

you have to wear a helmet whenever you ride a bike or you will be fined

What kind of protection does a bike helmet provide a bicycle rider?

It provides some protection against head injuries.

Is wearing a helmet good for riding a bike?

As long as you don't fall off, wearing a helmet or not doesn't matter. But if you should fall off, a helmet offers easy and inexpensive protection against head injuries.

Do you have to wear a helmet riding a bike?

Basically, the answer is yes. Wearing a bike helmet when cycling is important as a standard precaution from accidents and injuries that may happen. In some cities, there are laws governing the bike helmet which requires people to wear bike helmet when cycling. These laws are especially ordered for children under 18 years old.It depends on local laws where you live, but it is always a good idea to wear a helmet.In several countries, yes. Either all people, or only minors depending on where you are, must wear a helmet while using a bicycle.In many (such as the Netherlands), it is not required.Depends on where you are and your age, the rules aren't the same everywhere.There's no single answer to that, as the laws are different from place to place, sometimes also dependent on the age of the rider. Minors might be required to wear helmets while legal adults may not be.

Can you get a ticket for not wearing a bike helmet?

In CA you can. Other states I don't know. In most states you can only get a ticket if you are under the age of 13 and without a bike helmet, but again, this varies between states.

Why doesn't Miley Cyrus get a ticket for riding her bike without a helmet. In California it is ILLEGAL for anyone under the age of 18 NOT wearing a helmet?

Possibly because she's famous?

What could happen if you don't were a bike helmet?

In CA it is against the law and you could get a ticket. And if you were to fall and hit your head, the chance of picking up a nasty injury is higher w/o a helmet.

Do you have to wear a helmet on a quad bike?

Yes. It is covered by state helmet laws.

How well does a football helmet protect against impact?

Can't tell if you've accidentally placed this question in the wrong category, or if you want to use a motorcycle helmet for bike riding. But basically any helmet is better than no helmet, but a helmet built for the intended usage is better than just using any helmet. In this case a football helmet is designed to be able to take several hits with lesser energy than compared to a motorcycle helmet. An MC helmet is expected to protect against one massive hit and then to be discarded.