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Q: Atoms that have a charge because they lost an electon are called?
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What atoms have no overall charge?

Atoms, by definition, have no charge. If they had charges, they would be called ions.

What are atoms called when they have a charge?

They are called ions.

Can atoms with no charge combine with other atoms with no charge?

Yes. When atoms with no charge combine with one or more atoms with no charge, it's called a molecule. They may share electrons to complete their octet.

What are Atoms that carry an electrical charge called because they have gained or lost electrons?

Atoms that carry an electrical charge because they gained or lost electrons are called ions. An atom that has lost electrons will be positively charged, and it is called cation. On the other hand, an atom that has gained electrons will be negatively charged, and it is called anion.

Ions are atoms that carry an electric charge?

Atoms carry a positive charge on the proton and a negative charge on the electron, usually these cancel out.

What is the positive charge atoms called?

The positive -charge in an atom is called the proton.They are held in the nucleus with the neutrons.

What are atoms with a positive electric charge called?


Electrically charge atoms are called what?

ions or radicals

Is elctric charge a property of just electricity or is charge property of all atoms?

Electric charge is a property of some subatomic particles. Atoms can be neutral (zero electric charge), or they can have a charge. If they have a charge, they are called ions.

What is an atom called that has a positive and negative charge as a result of gaining or losing electrons?

Atoms with a charge are called ions.

What is a atom with a net positiveor negative charge?

Atoms do not have any charge, if they have, they are called as ions.

What is the charge of the nucleus of atoms?

Because protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge, the atomic nucleus has a positive charge.