

Best way to learn spanish

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The best way to learn Spanish is to speak with a native speaker. Full immersion is the number 1 way to learn a language well. it will teach you how to effectively communicate, and it is the fastest strategy out there. The CIA, Fortune 500 companies, even missionaries use this technique.

Rosseta Stone helps people to learn basic grammar, and word mastery. Online websites such as allow you to connect and chat one on one with a native speaker.

Traveling down to South America is another option. I would recommend countries like Bolivia, Peru, or Chile. Those countries are relatively cheap, and their dialect is very clear.

NO Way The Above Answer is Not the Way to Go!Did you learn Spanish that way or is that something you heard.Talk from experience or don't answer!!!

Most people don't have the time or money to learn a language by travelling. Even if you stayed in one of those countries it still would take a while to sink in. If you live in the United States it will become relatively easier to learn Spanish because you can find it everywhere.I live in the New York City area and decided to learn 2 years ago.Now I am 100% fluent, I can read and write.I watch Spanish movies that are not translated to English.

You know how?I bought an Ipod you can also use an I phone.Got all the free apps.Mastered them bought more advanced ones,mastered them.Suscribed to all the Spanish channels on cable.Listened to Spanish radio because anyway I despise all the new American pop of today.Lady Gaga and Jay Z and Rhianna how can anybody stand that garbage?!!!When I go to Home Depot I am not angry like some people because half the signs are in Spanish I use it for learning!

You need to get Latino HBO and watch a movie that you already know, put the subtitles on and type in word on your ipod or ipad and save them as your favorite.You have to try to think Spanish if you want to learn.Then go to your local Spanish restaurant whether it is Dominican,Colombian, Mexican and try ordering in Spanish.You will see it is fun and you can make it into a quiz game for yourself.

2 years ago I knew no Spanish and I would be bored to death learning slowly in a classroom the old fashioned way.Don't waste your money with all these online classes either.I only spent money on some Itunes apps totalling no more than $100 bucks.

Buena Suerte!

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The best way to learn Spanish is in Spain. Go to the markets and barter, order in restaurants, and talk with the locals. You will soon learn to talk Spanish properly. If you learn from a book or website you will learn the type of Spanish that most locals cannot actually recognise! As a last resort, take a Spanish class at your local college.

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The best way to learn Spanish through the internet is by way of websites -- such as cafespeak and livemocha -- that specialize in connecting learners with native speakers. Native speakers teach effective communication and fluent speech in the shortest amount of time. Rosetta Stone gives learners specialized software designed for learning the ins and outs of the Spanish language for $400.

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The best way is to live in a country that speak Spanish for few months. Another good option is to take online courses like "Rocket Spanish" or "Rosetta Stone"

What is the easiest way to learn Espanol?

Go to Mexican speaking restaurants as often as possible. Watch as many shows and movies in Spanish as you can, also the children show Dora The Explorer is a great way for some people to learn the language. Some teachers believe that the best way to learn any language is to give a spelling test of some sort every other day, but that is actually the worst way to learn. Te best way is to learn the language is by taking a test at the end of every week.