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Now, please correct me if I'm wrong, I've just started learning about blood types. I do think that's possible though. O goes with everything, if you put the AB with the O you'd have a 50% chance of getting a child with type B blood. ...That's only if I worked it out correctly though. Sorry for the unsteady answer. Hopefully someone will come by and either confirm it or correct it. Good luck!

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Q: Can AB blood type person father a B blood type baby with an O blood type mother?
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What is the baby if Father is a mother is b?

The Baby Would Be Type A Blood

Can a mother with B positive blood and father with O positive blood have a baby with B positive blood?

Yes, a mother with negative and a father with O positive can have a baby with B positive. If they do, the mother must have blood type B or AB.

If the father is A blood and the mother is O blood what will the baby get?

The baby will be type A or O depending on the genotype of the parents.

What type of blood will baby have with father a positive and mother o positive?

baby blood group will be A or O

Can a mother with A -blood type and father with B -blood type have a baby?

Of course!

If the father's blood type is A positive and the mother's blood type is O positive can the child's blood type be O negative?

No, because a baby gets their blood from their father, not their mother.

Can a mother with type a blood have a baby with type b blood?

If the father has that blood type, yes.

Can father blood type a and mother blood ab have blood b baby?

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Can a mother with AB blood type and father with A blood type have a baby with O blood type?

yes they can have any type of baby blood

What blood type a baby will be if father is a and mother is o?

The genotype of the father is certainly OO (because blood type O is recessive). The genotype of the mother however can be AO or AA (both give blood type A). The baby will have a combination of the genes from the mother and the father (one of each) and so: - If the genotype of the mother is AA and the genotype of the father is OO, the baby will certainly have AO as genotype and has therefore blood type A. -If the genotype of the mother is AO and the genotype of the father is OO, the baby can have AO or OO as genotype. AO results in blood type A and OO in blood type O (50% chance).

What blood type a baby will be if father is o and mother is a?

The genotype of the father is certainly OO (because blood type O is recessive). The genotype of the mother however can be AO or AA (both give blood type A). The baby will have a combination of the genes from the mother and the father (one of each) and so: - If the genotype of the mother is AA and the genotype of the father is OO, the baby will certainly have AO as genotype and has therefore blood type A. -If the genotype of the mother is AO and the genotype of the father is OO, the baby can have AO or OO as genotype. AO results in blood type A and OO in blood type O (50% chance).

What blood type will the baby have with a mother with type a blood and father with type ab blood?

Possible blood types of the child with a mother who has A blood type and a father who has AB blood type are A, B, and AB. :)