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You can get half of your spouse's retirement and 401K as it stands at the time of the divorce. You cannot get anything accrues after the divorce.

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Q: Can I get half of my spouses retirement and 401K in Washington state in a divorce after 6 years of marriage?
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U.S. military members are entitled to a pension when they retire. If a military member gets divorced long before he reaches retirement age, the divorce court must consider the pension he is likely to get years later and how to divide it. Most states consider military pensions to be assets subject to division just like other marital property.Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection ActThe Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act, or USFSPA, is the law governing the division of military pensions following a divorce. This law gives states the power to divide military pensions between spouses in the event of divorce. Only a divorce court in the state the spouses reside in may have the power to make this type of decision, unless the spouses consent to the division. For example, if a service member lives in New York but is stationed in Colorado, he has to give consent for a Colorado divorce court to divide his military pension. Otherwise, this part of the divorce would have to be handled through a New York court. However, consent doesn't have to be explicit or in writing. If the service member participates in divorce proceedings in Colorado, the court will often presume consent to handling the division of pension in that state.10-year RuleThe USFSPA covers all military spouses, regardless of the length of the marriage. The marriage doesn't have to last for 10 years for divorce courts to divide the pension plan. However, if the marriage lasted 10 years or more, and one or both spouses served in the military for at least 10 years of the marriage, the U.S. Defense Financing and Accounting Service pays the ex-spouse her portion of the pension. Otherwise, the spouse who receives the pension must pay his former spouse her share when ordered to do so by the court.Timetable of PaymentsThe divorce court can determine when a former spouse is entitled to pension payments. In some cases, the court may order that the ex-spouse receive her expected payment immediately in one lump sum. In other cases, the court may require that the ex-spouse begin receiving payments upon her former spouse's retirement.

Is there any kind of law in the state of Tennessee where you have to have marriage classes before a divorce?

Sometimes a judge may request this so the couple is sure they want the divorce, but generally it would be wise for the couple to make sure they want a divorce (especially if there are children) by going to marriage counseling. Divorce is not only traumatic for the two spouses, but often children blame themselves when the parents get a divorce. So unless a judge has requested this, then no, there is no real law that can force you to take marriage classes.

Wheb filing jointly in a marriage are you responsible for an ex- spouses taxes owed?

In the United States the laws which govern marriage and divorce vary from State to State, so it will depend on the State in which you live. Typically, though, the "Decree of Divorce" will have provisions relating to taxes which will answer this question on a case by case basis.

Is it illegal to mortgage your spouses' retirement?

This is their retirement, not yours. It is for retirement and so you would need to evaluate if you are considering something that will contribute to their wellbeing.