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Yes, you can. True love is patient. Don't move now, wait until you have no doubt about it. If you have no doubt about it now, wait anyway, you have an entire life to be happy, but one mistake and you'll regret it your whole life. Enjoy your relationship, and think about how big the world is that you might be missing something. Louisiana is one of the states where the age of majority is 17-years-old. Which means she can move anywhere she wishes. Answer There is no state in the US where the age of majority is 17. Anyone under 18 is a minor and is subject to the control and authority of their parents. If the minors parents give them permission to move out, they can-if not, they can't, UNLESS they've been legally emancipated in some manner such as marriage (requires parental consent) or court decree (rarely granted). (06/13/09) Why would you want to? It is a statistical fact that relationships involving people who co-habitat and/or get married prior to age 24 have an 85% failure rate. Biologically, this is when females reach full mature on the physical, emotional, and hormonal levels. At this point, a woman is fully prepared to have and handle children, as well as a male that is still not fully mature.

Males don't reach full physical and hormonal maturity until age 30. This is also when they reach their peak emotional maturity, but not to the point of being fully independent. Half of the male emotional health comes from a woman. The biochemical frequency range of the male brain adjusts itself to match that of the female, developing an emotional symbiotic relationship.

Couples who begin cohabiting and/or get married prior to age 24 can find themselves drawing away from each other as each reaches full maturity. Their whole view of the world, and each other, changes. This doesn't happen to all couples, but clearly it is a factor in most relationship breakdowns.

Cohabiting couples breakup three times more than married couples. Cohabiting couples that later marry have a 46% higher rate of divorce than those who did not cohabit prior to marriage.

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