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You've probably got an alignment issue in your spine and it's causing a nerve to become pinched. There are exercises that can be done, but you need to get the problem proprely located first. go see a good physiotherapist or a chiropractor first.

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Q: Can a Neck pain on the left side cause left arm to be tingling sometimes and how to treat this at home?
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No, a bad neck can't cause a stroke. However if one side of your arm is tingling, the side of the neck rigid or possibly achy as is the jaw get to ER fast and have it checked out. These could be indications of a stroke.

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What condition can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome?

There are several. Neck conditions where the nerve is pinched by bulging disc or disc rupture can sometimes cause localized numbness and tingling in the hands and fingers. Radial neuritis is inflammation of the radial nerve which travels down the forearm and into the thumb and index finger causes symptoms of ache, pain, tingling sens. Ulnar neuritis which some people call the carpal tunnel of the elbow, can cause numbness and tingling of the 3rd and 4th fingers. Tendonitis in the hand can cause throbbing,achey pain in the hands and fingers as well.

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Minimal disc bulging means that you are at the beginning stages of a bulging disc. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck and back.

What are the symptoms of radiculopathy in neck and upper spine?

Radiculopathy, or nerve compression, usually presents with numbness, tingling, and even pain. Patients with radiculopathy of the cervical spine (neck) usually present with neck and shoulder pain, and/or numbness/tingling that can go down the arm.

Daily and sometimes severe headaches accompanied by neck pain?

If the neck pain is causing the headache, this is called cervicogenic headache. If the headache is causing the neck pain, treating the headache will also treat the neck pain. Pain Management Specialists and Headache Specialists are the doctors best suited to treat these types of headaches.

What causes tingling on left side of head when neck is turned left?

Even sleeping the wrong way in bed can cause a pinched nerve in your neck. Pinched nerves can cause tingling down your arms, legs and up the back of your neck. It effects the nerves in that part of the body, thus a tingling. Get someone to give you a good shoulder/neck rub and it should soon disappear. Also A535 rub is great to rub on the tops of your shoulders and neck. If it persists go see a chiropractor. I have just been to the doctor regarding something similar and he suggested it is shingles, even though I don't have a rash.

Is a woman having a heart attack is right hand is tingling?

She is probably not having a heart attack. The tingling sensation is more likely from nerves in the neck getting compressed.

Have rash with blisters on face ears neck and arms what would cause and how to treat?

You need to see a doctor. Not soliciting advice on the internet.

Cyst at base of neck chronic mid back pain numb arm and tingling fingers Are these all connected Whats wrong with you?

A cyst on the neck is caused by a plugged sebaceous (oil) gland... Mid-back pain is rarely the cause of tingling fingers. Numb arm & tingling fingers are most likely related. The cause? Anything from a pinched nerve in the neck to a spasming muscle (on the same side as the arm/fingers tingling) in the upper back near the spine. You need an exam and proper xrays... See an orthopaedic physician. I disagree with this guy! I searched these exact symptoms and found this post. I have the symptoms that you describe, and when I empty the cyst the symptoms stop. The contents of this cyst smell funkier than anything I have ever experienced. I have to think that this cyst, or the crap that it contains, impinges on a nerve and causes the other symptoms.